If you've ever been involved in videogames, I'm sure you would already know how common the argument of how ' bad ' videogames are for people and how they should read more. Here is why I think videogames are not at all harmful and is actually in fact good for you.
Too much of, well, ANYTHING is bad for you. Even reading. First person ' shooter ' games train your reflexes. Games like Minecraft give you the abilities to be creative. When parents say that videogames are not healthy is any way I can gladly disagree, but they also make pretty good points.
For the other side of this argument, a pretty good point they make are how kids can sometimes shift realities from real life to videogames. It can be in fact harmful.
Although both sides have fantastic points, I think videogames aren't bad for you.
Darkness and light have been used as symbols in world literature throughout human history, from the divine proclamation of “Let there be light” in the first book of the Bible, to harrowing passages of loss in contemporary literature. Darkness and light in the classical canon typically represent two opposing forces of nature, whether good and evil, knowledge and ignorance, love and hate or happiness and despair.
i got it right
it details that Thomas Edison is the master of improvement and supports the big of the idea of the great passage
Hope it helped!! :)