The similarities are very distinct.
So the gestapos were the official secret police of Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe. The force was created by Hermann Göring in 1933 by combining the various security police agencies of Prussia into one organisation. And what they did was kill and or torture anyone who was against the Nazi party or Hitler at that time. They we’re also responsible for the roundup of Jews throughout Europe for deportation to extermination camps. They helped imply and create the scapegoating against people who were Jewish all over Nazi-occupies Europe. Mr. Thurgood Marshall felt like he was seeing the same thing in The United States as well. He explains this in an authoritative report aptly titled "The Gestapo in Detroit, " which was lead by the NAACP, showing beyond reasonable dispute that local police had joined a mob of whites in terrorizing black neighborhoods, this was happening in Detroit in 1943 around the same time as the Second World War. So this makes sense that he could make this correlation. Two minority groups from different places around the world we’re facing brutality from the police and hate groups about things they cannot change. For the diverse people of Detroit it was their skin colour for the Jewis and “non-aryan” race of Germany and Europe it was religion or family history for example. So both ways these people were being prosecuted by law enforcement and Thurgood Marshall believed if the gestapos happened even more in the USA they couldn’t be stopped or changed and it would end in many innocent people being killed or tortured just like what the gestapo did for Hitler in Europe.
"O Little Town of Bethehem" is a familiar Christmas hymn about the birth of Jesus Christ. But the number of Christians in Bethlehem itself has been getting littler and littler as the Christian community there and elsewhere in the Middle East and North Africa has faced pressures from Islamist movements.
In 1950, about 85% of Bethlehem's residents were Christian. By 2016, the Christian presence in Bethlehem had dropped to 12% -- or only about 11,000 persons.
If you are saying not on earth, are you talking about other planets or can it be stars because stars are extremely hot with white being the hottest and red being the coolest.
The modern development of today's world would have first made the routes safer. Today we have the safety of common things such as police officers, hospitals, e.t.c. Transportation of goods would have been easier, and it would have been easier to carry larger amounts of goods at one time.
hope this helps :)
The events involved symbolic speech without disruption.