And honoured everywhere for worthiness; At Alexandria, he, when it was won - <em>Knight</em>. Knight is a siginificant character in the book. He has many qualities, but four of the them is emphasized in the book. He is worthy for this name because of the good qualities.
Of courtliness, and stately manners took; And would be held worthy of reverence - <em>Prioress</em>. Prioress tries hard to seem courtly.
In wisps hung down such locks as he'd on head; But as to hood, for sport of it, he'd none - <em>Pardoner</em>. Pardoner sells official church pardons and the lines is a reference to this act.
A lover and a lusty bachelor, With lock well curled, as if they'd laid in press - <em>Squire</em>. Squire is a young, handsome man as described in the lines who accompanies the Knight in his adventures.
Main event 2: Bud having the pencil stuck up his nose and retaliating. That led to him being locked up in the shed, which led to him running away. Main event 3: Bud meeting up with Bugs and the two of them going to Hooverville. Main event 5.
Fear of reality
This quote is trying to pass across a message that prove hate books now because of fear of knowledge which would lead to the downfall of mankind. It states that people would rather thrive in illusion fantasy by likening it to flowers living on flowers instead knowing the underlying factor behind the existence of the flower. People choosing to see the world the way they want it instead of seeing it the way it is.