The correct option is HARD PLEASURE.
An oxymoron refers to a compound word (two words written together) whose meaning are contradictory to each other. The two words that are used together in oxymoron usually have completely opposite meaning and authors usually use it to engage the interest of the readers. For instance in the correct option mentioned above, hard and pleasure has opposite meanings. Other examples of oxymoron are: same difference, bitter sweet, alone together, open secret, original copy, etc.
One of the three beast Beowulf fights is Grendel
Both are Personifications
I'm in the middle of nowhere floating not touching anything no ones by me im just floating im surrounded by beautiful flowers yellow purple green orange. there is nothing other than fields and field of flowers.
im sinking deeper and deeper all I can see is the light above me leaving me while i sink further down. it feels like im holding my breath. It feels like im underneath water. Below me there nothing it looks lke it goes on and on forever.
this is so bad