Read the passage from "the seven voyages of sindbad the sailor.” [the porter] followed the servant into a vast room, where a great company was seated round a table covered with all sorts of delicacies. in the place of honor sat a tall, grave man, whose long white beard gave him a venerable air. behind his chair stood a crowd of attendants eager to minister to his wants. this was the famous sindbad himself. the porter, more than ever alarmed at the sight of so much magnificence, tremblingly saluted the noble company. sindbad, making a sign to him to approach, caused him to be seated at his right hand, and himself heaped choice morsels upon his plate, and poured out for him a draught of excellent wine, and presently, when the banquet drew to a close, spoke to him familiarly, asking his name and occupation. how do the underlined words and phrases in the passage create meaning?
A. They explain the porter's anxiety at meeting a well-known man.
B. They set up a threatening conflict between sindbad and the porter.
C. They describe the layout of the dining hall and the porter's location in it.
D. They demonstrate sindbad's respectability and his generosity toward the porter.
The passage demonstrate Sindbad's respectability and his generosity toward the porter.
Answer: Option D.
‘The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor’ is an adventurous novel which describes the adventures of Sindbad on his say to seven voyage. From the above mentioned passage, we get to know how respectable and generous Sinbad is. His generosity can be seen from the instance when he invited the porter to sit beside him and served him a glass of wine while having a casual conversation with the porter. He thus, is truly a wise man with a noble company.
What do you mean i dont under stand sorry
He and I both enjoyed the brownies you made.
Tôi hy vọng Mary đồng ý và họ sẽ hạnhcphúc.
B). Definition
Organizational strategy is defined as the order or sequence in which the author explains a particular process or presents a series of episodes/occurrences. It primarily functions to comprehend readers' understanding of the concept.
As per the question, the author must employ 'definition' as the organizational strategy if the concepts are new to the reader as it will help in introducing the meaning of the word to them and then moving on to the terms or details associated with it as it will allow them to understand it effectively and efficiently. Thus, <u>option B</u> is the correct answer.