If you want to print on a page you can use
If you want to write in console then there are multiple options
console.log() - to log information
console.error();- to log errors
console.warn(); - to log warning message
If you want to popup some information the you can use -
there are also various options present in alert.
print() essentially just calls up the native print dialog for a given window.
But as you're are thinking, it will work on any window or (i)frame.
thus if you write content to a frame, you can then call this to print it.
note the only drawback (and its a big one), is that this calls up the print dialog... not the print preview window... thus the user doesn't really get a chance to see what they are printing and/or scale it to fit their printer/paper.
I personally wish that all browsers would implement the following to handle the above issue.
Hope this will help !!!