Landslide is the rapid downhill movement of a mass of rock, debris, or soil
Mudflow is the rapid downhill movement of a mixture of rock soil and water.
Slump is a loosely connected mass of rock and soil
Creep is the slow downhill movement
1 Delhi
2 Tokyo
3 Jakarta
4 Mumbai
5 Seoul
Cultural Region
A cultural region is basically a geographic area in which the people have common traits. The people have always grouped themselves, and the basis for it has been their culture and their physical appearance.
This has resulted in creation of unique traits among different groups of people. That has created sense of unity, which has created strong bonds among the people of a particular cultural region, so even if they do not personally all know each other, they are often willing to fight together for their rights, freedom, or interests, and even give their life for it.
Unfortunately, this kind of distinction among the different groups of people has resulted in lot of conflicts, lot of suffering, discrimination and lot of injustices .
According to the World Bank and United Nations poerty threshold/borderline, that is, the minimum level of income deemed adequate in a particular country. In 2005, the World Bank came out with a figure (revised largely due to inflation) of $1.25 a day at 2005 purchasing-power parity (PPP), and in 2015 the World Bank updated the international poverty line to $1.90 a day.
Based on the presentation of the World Bank, (B) Maria earns $1.50 per day and (D) Tim earns $ 1.00 per day will be classified as poor.