In acts 1 and 2 of Julius Caesar, Brutus is in conflict with himself.
In the soliloquy in Act 2 Scene 1 in the tragedy of Julius Caesar explains Brutus' involvement in the assassination plot against Ceasar as he thinks about the consequences if Caesar is crowned. He compares the crowning procedure of Caesar to that of the hatching of a serpent from the egg. He assumes that when Caesar would become the king of Rome he will show his cruel nature and bring destruction to the people of Rome. Hence, Brutus joins the conspiracy against Caesar in order to prevent Rome from the ambitious nature of Caesar in the coming future.
Because juliet is living on another side
It's not to bad once you start to understand it.
BTW I'm a sophomore
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The answer is d. onomatopoeia because words like fizz, pop ,buzz and, crack are all giving a vizulile of imagery