Ejemplos de fuerzas
En la naturaleza, las fuerzas fundamentales son la gravedad, la fuerza nuclear débil, la fuerza nuclear fuerte, la fuerza electromagnética y la fuerza residual. La fuerza fuerte es lo que mantiene unidos protones y neutrones en el núcleo atómico.
It comes from the Latin word liber which means free and Liberia is a country in West Africa.
Answer: since the Quebeckers are native french speakers vs the rest of Canada who's first language is English.
I am pretty sure that this question belongs in the maths section not the geography section.
Anyways, the answer is simply to find.
First make sure the units are the same.
Secondly, subtract the first sphere number by the second.
The answer is 35 cubic in.
Hope I helped!!! :)