Usually the central bank.
John locke
John Locke was a worldwide known philosopher. He holds the notion/believe that all men were created equal that is the natural rights. He was said to be born on August 29, 1632 and date of death to be on October 28, 1704.
His view on Natural Rights was that Life, Liberty, and Property (pursuit of happiness) were all imbedded in time and also the government should work with the people's consent (go-ahead) as well as respect and protect the peoples' "God-given" rights and therefore the people should be able to kick out a leader who fails to protect and/or respect them and their rights.
The correct answer is C. It is not true that societies of the Fertile Crescent believed in equality and communal living.
Mesopotamia is a designation for the area between the Euphrates and the Tigris. Today, its territory roughly corresponds to Iraq, northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey and southwest Iran.
Mesopotamia was the cradle of civilization. The first Sumerian population appeared in Mesopotamia at the turn of the 4th and 3rd millennium BC. In ancient times, it was divided into northern Assyria and southern Babylon. The upper part of Babylonia was called Akkad and the lower part of Sumer. In 539 BC the Persians of the Achaimen dynasty invaded Babylon, and in 331 BC Alexander the Great, after whose death Babylon became part of the Seleucid Empire.
Around 150 BC Mesopotamia was seized by the Parthians, and in the 2nd century AD the Persians again. In 637, Muslim Arabs took control of Mesopotamia. Since then Mesopotamia has been called El Iraq el'Arabi, as the Arabs called it.
In some cases (for example, that of the Talensi), an independent community or chiefdom was aware that others like it shared the same culture and social structure, and there were occasional common rituals that brought independent communities together. In other cases (for example, the Dagaba), political and cultural boundaries were not sharp, and there was no sense that an ethnic group included some communities and excluded others, although shifting distinctions were made based on various cultural traits. In the case of the Dagaba, the most important or recurrent of these distinctions seemed to be, and in the mid-twentieth century continued to be, whether inheritance was exclusively determined in the patrilineal line or, at least in part, followed the matrilineal line.
I hope this helps :)
Answer: The hidden curriculum
What is the hidden curriculum?
All the material and activities that are not written, not officially prescribed , and usually not related to the content of the lesson which includes values and perspective which children learn in school are all known as hidden curriculum. This can be said to be an informal curriculum.
Formal curriculum is the one where all the lesson, subjects and other school activities are prescribed and written down for the intention of teaching the children.
Hidden curriculum comprises of social ,cultural and unspoken academic communication to the learner's
For example children learn how to approach diversity which means how they can interact with other races different from theirs , how to talk to older people,how does a person carry themselves within the society all of these are not recognised as intended lessons but children do learn them through hidden curriculum.
Hidden curriculum can be of an assistant in improving learners ability to copy with the formal curriculum or they could be opposing ideas between the two also. For example students may be taught about embracing diversity especially racial diversity however if the experience opposes what they learn there is now no correlation between the two.
So the correlation between the formal and hidden curriculum is crucial to emphasize theorical issues practically.
Hidden curriculum helps students practice what they have learnt in school socially , culturally and through interaction with the environment that they are in .