Well the exact translation of Islam is submission. So the belief in the existence of the Islamic god Allah, as well as angels. Belief that the Quran is legitamite. Then there's other stuuf like the Gospel (showed to Jesus), the Torah (Moses), then finally Psalms (David). Bascially saying like submit yourself to Allah and what not.
It made the state number even so there were an even number of slave states and non-slave states. It also abolished slave trade in Washington, d.c. becasue many people were angry about there being trading there.
The regular workers was prospering the extent that residents were concerned.
Likewise with any modern insurgency, it was the same in the United States of America, a country that was prospering at the times and firmly building up, that there would be another class of specialists who needed to do the modest assignments noone else needed to do yet were required to be done on the off chance that they needed to have an effective industrializaiton of their nation.
Therefore the appropriate response is the average workers.