The satanic ritual in the forest where YGB yells out for Faith to resist.
I hope it helped
I can't see much of it clearly, although I can help you with the second question
They already left the village before the sun rose
As soon as she finished cleaning the floors, she started gardening
After I posted the letter, I realised I had written the wrong address.
Sara decided to encroach upon Luke's property. Their relationship already was a dump. They had a constrict line between love . The agreement was that Luke would no longer contact Sara, and in return, Sara would no longer come to Luke's house. However, Luke did not comply and texted her anyway. In retaliation, Sara toilet papered the trees by his house. Luke called the police, and this caused Sara to have a tentative court date. Sara was unable to make it to court, so she wrote an essay for the magistrate.
I'm in the middle of nowhere floating not touching anything no ones by me im just floating im surrounded by beautiful flowers yellow purple green orange. there is nothing other than fields and field of flowers.
im sinking deeper and deeper all I can see is the light above me leaving me while i sink further down. it feels like im holding my breath. It feels like im underneath water. Below me there nothing it looks lke it goes on and on forever.
this is so bad