Answer: George Rogers Clark
Explanation: The Siege of Fort Vincennes was a Revolutionary War frontier battle fought in present-day Vincennes, Indiana won by a militia led by American commander George Rogers Clark over a British garrison led by Lieutenant Governor Henry Hamilton, the battle started on February 23, 1779 and ended February 25, 1779.
The fate of the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla Indians who lived in that part ... By 1855, the government of the United States had a great deal of ... Joel Palmer and Washington Territorial Governor Isaac Stevens met ... and Umatilla, tribal leaders first proposed that there would be no ...
The Judicial Branch is in charge of interpreting the laws that the Legislative branch creates.
This document shows in many ways how ineffective that Articles of Confederation were in controlling many aspects of American life, especially these types of uprisings.