He encontrado esta pregunta online. Los eufemismos destacados son:
Se acaban de incorporar a clase de pintura tres niños de color. Los reclusos del centro penitenciario regional colaboran en un mercadillo solidario para ayudar a las familias con menos recursos. La mayoría de los conflictos bélicos afectan a los países del Tercer Mundo. Cientos de personas sin empleo se manifiestan contra los recortes de plantillas.
Los eufemismos en las frases quieren decir lo siguiente:
1. de color - negros
2. reclusos del centro penitenciario - los presos
3. con menos recursos - pobres
4. conflictos bélicos - guerras
5. del Tercer Mundo - pobres/ de poco desarrollo
6. los recortes de plantillas - los despidos laborales
Eufemismos son palabras o expresiones utilizadas para sustituir otras palabras o expresiones que se consideran ofensivas, que se escuchan mal. Si queremos evitar el uso de palabras duras, groseras, u obscenas, elegimos otras que suenen mejor. En una de las frases de arriba, por ejemplo, "de color" es un eufemismo para "negros", refiriéndose a la raza de las personas.
Relationships have 5 stages :)
The following that is a modifier is C, an adjective and an adverb.
B. Unrefined
Are you sure your quote is correct?
The copy of the story I found has the following version of the excerpt:
"The other, astonished to be familiarly addressed by this plain good-wife, did not recognize her at all, and stammered:
"But—madame!—I do not know—You must have mistaken.""
Of the three answer choices, the second one, in my opinion, works best.
A little earlier in the story, we read this about Mathilde:
"Mme. Loisel looked old now. She had become the woman of impoverished households—strong and hard and rough. With frowsy hair, skirts askew, and red hands, she talked loud while washing the floor with great swishes of water."
Unrefined (i.e. uncultured, not characterized by good taste or manners) would definitely be a good word to describe Mathilde Loisel.
Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that, through cellular respiration, can later be released to fuel the organism's activities.
I need point sorry'