Single stories negatively relate to U.S. history because it caused a lot of hate to be given toward a specific person or group of people just because someone made up a fake story. Single stories have always been a problem not just now but all throughout history.
The second one, Bolsheviks and anti-tsarists
Answer: Americans faced a similar moment of chaos after the Revolution. One Connecticut preacher noted that Moses took 40 years to quell the Israelites' grumbling: Now "we are acting the same stupid part." And so just as a reluctant Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, then handed down the Ten Commandments, a reluctant George Washington led the colonists to victory, then presided over the drafting of the Constitution. The parallel was not lost. Two-thirds of the eulogies at Washington's death compared the "leader and father of the American nation" to the "first conductor of the Jewish nation."
identifies the political legitimacy,