The people here speak English because homogeneous means "the same."
erode means to wear away slowly
I think it's slowly splitting apart
Iceland's position on the boundary between the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates means it's 'slowly being split apart'
B. An immaterial and intelligible form of sensible things
Platonic Idea -
It is given by Plato ,
He proposed this theory via the concept of eternal form , according to this theory , the immutable essence that can only be participated in the sensible things .
The idea is an invisible reality , an eternal thing , an immaterial and the prototype of the reality .
d. Reverser Hierarchical
Expansion diffusion is said to be when a particular trend is spread from it originating point to another point. It might be relocation diffusion whereby a relocating resident share his idea and practice to his/her new residence.
Hierarchical diffusion occur when a new cultural practice is shared to another people. Like in the case of Africa's adapting to white pattern of dressing.
Contagious diffusion is a kind of virus trend like in Nigeria where a dance pattern is transfer to a neighboring country like Ghana.
Stimulus diffusion occur when a people adapt an idea from another and modify it. Example ping pong(Table tennis) originating from Asia and modified by another .
Reverser Hierarchical is not a form of expansion diffusion