The stock market crash of 1929
A result of the Gibbo V. Ogden (1824) decision was that state could regulate commerce only within their borders. This was a landmark decision in which united state supreme that held the power to regulate interstate commerce. The landmark was considered decision with ripple effect that lasted for 1000 years.
Es el día en que Cristóbal Colón completó su viaje a través del Océano Atlántico y llegó al “Nuevo Mundo”.
El 12 de octubre 1492, es una fecha de enorme importancia en la historia de Occidente
The correct answer is all of the above (D). Under Roosevelt's presidency a series of economic, political and social reforms took place, as part of his New Deal and Second New Deal plans, which were aimed at putting an end to the Great Depression. For instance, he reformed the financial system to protect savers' funds, provided jobs for the unemployed and signed the Social Security Act (1935), which granted benefits - such as health insurance and financial assistance - to unemployed, elderly, and disavantadged American citizens (widows and their children, as well as disabled people, among others).