it can overheat trying to process and from there multiple things may happen
1. the computer will recognise its overheating and automatically shutdown
2. the computer with catch on fire
3. the computer with crash the program and go back to the home screen
1982 the Internet protocol was introduced as the standard network protocol on the ARPANET.
1981 access to the ARPANET was expanded.
Bill Gates used his skills and brains to build a business. In conclusion, Bill Gates was very successful with his industry thanks to free enterprise. He, along with his employees and friends, created and almost perfected the software known as Microsoft. The free enterprise system provides the right to private enterprise, which allowed him to choose his own business and to run it without governmental influence. Because he could create his own business and design his own products, Gates was able to specialize in technology.
The answer to this question is given below in this explanation section.
Knowing how o start a presentation is crucial if you fail to capture the audience attention right of the bat your entire presentation will flop.Few listeners will stick with you to the end and retain what you have told.
That is mildly unpleasant when you are doing an in house presentation in front of your colleagues.But can become utterly embrassing when you are presenting in front of larger audience presentation to prospective customers.
Let you have most of your presentation slides and polished up you dont check and quick and effective power point presentation design tips.Many ideas are broken into bits sized statements for your slides and complemented with visuals.The best way is to appeal and invoke certain emotions with your audience curiosity,surprise fear or good old amusements.
Ichabod Crane is terrified of the headless horsemen