this is useful because they represent the shortest distance between two points on a sphere.
Due to the earth's rotation, sailors and pilots using great circle routes must constantly adjust their route as the heading changes over long distances.
First Sao Paulo has more buildings
could grow different spices that could not be grown in Europe
It’s almost impossible to ignore the impact that “soccer” has on different countries, around the world. In America, winning or losing a football match isn’t life or death. But the rest of the world feels differently. In fact, football — as it’s known everywhere else around the world — can mean life or death.
The influence of football on a country’s people doesn’t always result in a favorable outcome, though. In North Korea for example, the outcome is public shaming.
Alert everybody to go indoors and close all windows. Power hose the town with salt water mixed with soap
Or... use building machines to push them out of the way then uh, probably pave the streets
HopE tHiS HElPss oI