(behind) is translated to derriére (in) should be translated to dans (on) should be translated to sur and (the woman went downtown) should be la femne est allée au centre-ville i dont know for sure but i think this is the translations
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the partitive. Feminine words are marked with an asterix 1. Jean always orders chicken 2. I never eat ham. 3. Paul loves strawberries. 4. We buy soup. 5. You like a lot pie. 6. Have you milk? 7. Nathalie drinks mineral water. 8. I hate yoghurt. Butter is in the fridge. 10. Apples are delicious. bread? 11. Do you have salad. 12. They do not have roast beef? 13. Want 14. He does not drink water. 15. Students prefer cake.
<span>they serve to differentiate <span>the kind.
<span>the masculine is used for boys, but for an object or another
Exemple : UN garçon (a boy)- UN chat (masculin) (a cat) -UN pays (country)- UN ballon (balloon)
feminine for girls :
Exemple : UNE fille(a girl) - UNE chatte- UNE ville (a city)- UNE balle (a ball)
Bart est le frère de Lisa.
Homer est le père de Lisa.
Patty est la tante de Lisa.
Marge est la mère de Maggie.
Abe est le grand-père de Bart.