The event that resulted from a missed meeting between British generals Howe and Burgoyne is:
The Continental army's victory at Saratoga.
Earth's magnetic field was reversed than today's magnetic field, 65 million years ago.
Answer: reversed
The present North and South pole on the geographical region above Earth crust is opposite beneath the same as North to be South and South to be North pole. Before 65 million years, Earth polarity was same beneath as currently above Earth's crust. It reversed and the Earth faced the mass extinction.
The magnetic field of the Earth was opposite to what it is found today, 65 million years ago, which is considered to be the time for mass extinction. It has been found that the magnetic field which consist of polarity as north and south is opposite to be what is found on the geographical land to the one found below the Earth surface.
Deism and rational religion were popular approaches to religion by philosophical thinkers during the Enlightenment. John Locke was one of the early proponents of this sort of approach to thinking about God. Deists (or we could say "God-ists") believed in God, but as a rather remote Being who had created the universe by his power and embedded in it natural laws that allowed it to run on its own from there. Some have compared it to viewing God as the "great watchmaker" who designed the universe as a perpetual watch or clock that could run on from there without needing his personal intervention in daily affairs of earthly life.
There are several factors of the end of the Cold War. The economies of the Soviet Union and of the Easten Bloc had become stagnated and technologically backward. The subsequent worsening of living standards and the aggravation of longtime, unsolved social issues made the situation even more complicated. The perestroika and the glasnost initiated by Soviet secretary-general Mikhail Gorbachev intented to promote social, political and economic reforms but they did not succeed; they brought instead instability and protests in the Soviet republics. Besides, the election of Ronald Reagan as US president put additional pressure on the USSR. Reagan promoted systems of new weapons and an ambitious space program that could not have been matched by Moscow. This combination of economic, social and diplomatic factors led to the end of the Cold War.
After the end of the Cold War, the US became the only superpower. With confidence after what it saw as its "victory" in the Cold War, American foreign policy became more unilateral.
Leaving the safety of their trenches and attacking the enemy.