The most important and immediate needs of women in today's world is freedom, equal pay for the work they do that men also do, RESPECT from the male population throughout the world! Men should not be able to control a woman just because she is female. Women should not have to suffer abuse at the hand of men because they think they own her because of marriage or other relationships.
Ancient Rome achieved many great accomplishments that have infl uenced numerous cultures. Elements of Roman law have been adopted by various governments, including the United States. Roman literature, such as the Aeneid, is still read today. This paper will examine the cultural infl uence , is still read today. This paper will examine the cultural influence of the Roman development of the arch, a supporting structure in building construction that could carry a lot of weight
It went down, causing a drop in food production and
There are several ways in which the growth of Alexander’s empire spread Greek culture, but the most important way was that culture was imposed wherever he went.