The answer is
C. Major General Barton played an important role in the D-Day invasion.
Major General Raymond Oscar Barton (August 22, 1889 – February 27, 1963) was a career officer in the United States Army and combat commander in World War I and World War II. He commanded the 4th Infantry Division from 3 July 1942 to 26 December 1944 and led them into battle from D-Day at Utah Beach, to the Liberation of Paris, and into the Battle of the Hurtgen Forest before leaving the command due to health problems on December 27, 1944.
Are there any possible answers to this question? and which government?
Una monografía sirve para tratar un tema en específico de forma metódica y completa; se pretende informar sobre un objeto de estudio determinado. ... El término monografía proviene del griego, estando compuesto por la palabra monos que significa única y la palabra graphein que significa escrita. ^^
1. tendrá
2. dirás
3. acabaremos
4. podréis
5. se enterarán
6. mentirán
7. vendrán
8. querré
9. me ducharé
10. aprenderán
11. habrá
12. se secará
13. pondrán
14. saldré
15. valdrá