Im for sure rivers and mountains.
Germany has allowed plenty of our citizens to move there.
Compared to United States, Germany has less strict border Regulation.
This make nations such as Germany or Canada became the hottest immigrant destination for those who seek to come, find new opportunities and compete for the better future
State evolved out of the natural development of family structure .is one of the beliefs of Social Contract Theory
Social Contract theory is advocated by some of the great philosophers like Thomas Hobbes. It states that the states are supposed to protect the will of the people.
It has emerged during the age of enlightenment and this theory states that the a group of people who had explicitly agreed to surrender a justifiable quantity of rights to liberty and freedom in exchange to the peaceful survival in the society in order to maintain the social norms and order in it.
A) It raised the price of many items.
The Stamp Act placed a tax on printed materials.
This deal helped out the unemployed, the poor and helped the recovery of the economy along with other things like farmers and the elderly.