The predicate nominative "renames" the subject.
The subject of the sentence is "Algeria" , so we're looking for another way of referring to Algeria here. This is "country" so the correct answer is A.
Technology benefits students in many different ways. Today’s generation has grown up around technology meaning that most of them learn very well with it. One example of how a student could benefit was if they were a visual leaner. Technology can be used this way to show videos, pictures, etc to help children that are visual learners. Another example would be children that are audible learners. For these children, technology could be used to read out words or paragraphs for kids that do well hearing things to learn them better.
I hope that helps !!
When someone signs train gone, they are signing an American Sign Language Idiomatic expression. The idiom train gone is used when you missed what is being talked about. The sign is based on the sign for train. It could be formed using both hands, creating a L-shape, U-shape, and a G-shape.
I would say A for question 4
Students who study music fare much better than those who do not.