Painting reflect our tradition concert??
I'm pretty sure you don't need lyrics to create a good melody. You can hum and still make a nice sounding melody.
If the community is harsh and low on moral it can be a very dismal place to live, the younger people even disengaged. The buildings are grey, the culture is void, and it seems like no one could possibly fix the issue, however, art can. Art is a lustrous and colorful way to fix any humdrum area.
whether its graffiti, Gorgeous murals, a new sculpted fountain or hanging painting along school hallways, it can change the mood and tone of an area by giving sense to the shapes and colors we associate with mood. Grey and monochromatic things are going to make people feel low on energy, something creative is just what they could use.
It fairly common for people to make sculptures and crafts, even making a local art gallery or museum could help flourish a community well past it s prime. Give way to colors, fun shapes, music and textures, writing and dancing. Art is what let's humans thrive and enjoy themselves. It can more than benefit and revive a community.
a. Groupthink
Groupthink is a problem in which group members strive to maintain cohesiveness and minimize conflict by refusing to critically examine ideas, analyse proposals, or test solutions.
It's a sort of uncompromising consensus that can serve only in a former stage of a given plan, or equivalent I think. An example of this, is taking place nowadays in the Venezuelan conflict, where official opposition (Asamblea Nacional; sort of Parliament) are inhibited of criticizing their internal mistakes or approaches to combat Chavismo tyranny, and fail discarding other voices in the opposition that claim to ask for help from the international community, as Maduro and Chavismo represent a criminal state.
The truth is that the Stylophone was invented in 1967 by Dubreq's Brian Jarvis
looked it up