Unitary states: "constituent units do not
act independently", "central government maintains supreme
power over constituent units", "France and the People's
Republic of China"
Federal states: "central government shares power
with constituent units", "constituent units can act independently", "Mexico and India"
After America declare war on Germany and the Central powers, the lives of the people were affected and the African Americans, the Immigrants and the women were affected by this. As soon America intervened the war, many of the natives were safe and they first decided to change the immigrants and the African Americans into soldiers and they sent them to different countries on which they declared war upon. United States being one of the greatest super powers started to intervene the war in support of the French ally and they ended in great loss and sufferings during the World War 1.
As more and more modern things were being implemented into society people found a need for change. A change to modern times. Some modern activites which cause this such as trade and wealth were becoming more popular therefore causing more modern adjustment which caused the Renaissance.