The "new industrial order" was a time in the mid and late 1800s where cities developed form small villages as people immigrated to America for the jobs and freedom it offered.
Southeast Asia is a region of great linguistic and geographic diversity where hundreds of languages, belonging to five different families, are spoken. Mainland Southeast Asia includes Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.
The correct answer is D, because "their" signifie that they are having "their" conversation, and that they own the conversation. C is incorrect because "there" describes where, B is incorrect because "they" describe who, and A is incorrect because "they are" doesn't grammatically or sensibly fit in, so the answer is D.
The answer would be "creationism" or option B. Creationism is the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts which mainly mean that they believed in cause and effect for example they had a protest for human rights, (cause) also of people are put in jail. (effect)
Hope this helps!