There are currently 100 senators in the United States--two senators for each one of the fifty states. This was a system devised to go hand in hand with the House of Representatives, which is based on the population size of each state.
One could be the rise of towns and the crusades. The Crusades was a campaign to reclaim the
Holy from Muslim rule. Despite the
number of campaigns launched. The Holy
remained under Muslim control and this weakened the feudal system as the
nobility spent most of their wealth on these campaigns. This led to the growth of towns where merchants
grew rich and became a force in society which led to the rise of the
Renaissance where interest was centered on the classics.
The worker were the lower class and the poor. They did labour. They lived in the poorest and the dirtiest places in the city, furthermore that's how they got diseases, like smallpox and other really bad fevers. Also they mostly worked in textile factories. They accepted these jobs because that's the only jobs they could have. The owners treated them bad because they wanted the kids to work more and harder. Hope i helped :).
For the first one it is either a or b