In the Brazilian Highlands
Followers of Islam are called Muslims
Islamic law is called Sharia law
A Muslim place of worship is a Mosque
The holy book of Islam is the Quran
Those are the ones that I know
The battle of Normandy was one of the greatest victories for the Allies. At the start of July 1944, hundreds of thousands of troops swept the Germans at Normandy and kept pushing. They liberated Paris in just about a couple of months at the end of August 1944. Germans would drastically lose control of Europe and surrendered about a year later in 1945.
In 1802, in response to Jefferson's request for authority to deal with the pirates, Congress passed "An act for the protection of commerce and seamen of the United States against the Tripolitan cruisers," authorizing the President to "employ such of the armed vessels of the United States as may be judged requisite.
They bordered free states of the Union and to their south they bordered slave states of the Confederacy, with Delaware being an exception to the latter.