This may be a difficult thing to do so for anyone to ACTUALLY answer this you migghttt want to up the amount of points you get for answering maybe, 20-40 points.
The method doubleVal() is created to accept a single parameter of type double.
It multiplies what ever the value of the parameter is and returns the resulting value.
In this question The method is called within this output statement System.out.println(doubleVal(val)); (Note that val had already been declared and assigned the value of 6.5)
The value 6.5 is doubled and outputed to the screen
Answer: c. that's displayed in the title bar of the browser
The title element in the html write up is used to describe the title of the work that is been carried out.
It has the format <title></title>, the title name is indicated between the opening and closing title tag.
The title does not display on the main page of the Web user's display, but it can be seen on the title bar of the Web browser.
The title element help Web user to have an idea of what a Web page is about.
Hiii I think the best option would be C. Core