this is very confusing but
it looks like they are having problems eating someone and one of them decided to get another human to devourer.
Like I said, I don't know
Share cropping because after the civil war many slaves simply had experience in farming due to, yknow their life as a slave, and many worked on the plantations they previously were enslaved on to make due.
Countries built large armies and stockpiled powerful weapons.
In an effort to hold onto their territorial as well as world colonies and might, many European nations expanded their military industries and armies, as well as expanded colonial rule and spheres of influence wherever they could. This led to countries drawing recruits and forcing colonies to produce war material for the host nation during World War I.
Some of the characteristics of renaissance peope would inclue a love for learning and the fine arts. Italy's cities most likely became the birthplace of the renaissance becuase it had many busltling cities that had a lot of trade, so ideas were spread that way. The last question would be that some church leaders and wealthy people were for the arts and helped sponsor it but other church leaders were against it and tried to censor people even burning people at the stake becuase they beleieved the earth was round, which was considered hereticla at the time.