maybe 4th string 2nd frets since most basic ones are between 1 and 3 fret
treble cleft..................
Love Song by T. S. Eliot
In the opening line, the speaker states, "Let us go then, you and I."
The "you" here refers to the woman that J. Alfred Prufrock desired to have a sexual encounter with. As the narrator, Prufrock was soliciting and trying to convince his lover to go along with him to the red-light district, where they could pin themselves together like butterflies in sexual euphoria. Just like all adolescents, many people are unaware of the proper place of sex in marriage. As a result, many are usually drawn to experience sex in fantasy. It has been proven psychologically and medically that sex is very good and healthy, but only in marriage.
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is a modernist poem written by T.S. Eliot in 1917. In it, Eliot fully explored and indicated the youthful exuberance felt by adolescents and their moral ambivalence, especially with regard to sex vis.-a-vis their Christian upbringing.
Melody ......................................................
Paul's ____________ album was recorded in two weeks in L.A. during 2001. This was Paul's first studio album after his announced relationship with Heather Mills. One writer says, "there are many uplifting songs inspired by Heather," and this album was released to strong reviews but only moderate sales.