I think that they are used for fund to make the school neater and for school activities and uniform (and I think a bit extra pay) but more advanced
Oops I wanted to help but sorry
Parliament is the British legislative body
It is made up of two bodies, The House of Lords and The House of Commons.
It is nobler to die with integrity than to live with compromised principles
it is nobler to die with integrity then to live with principles that harm other strongly support the statement that men with integrity does not compromise with his principles he is self made person and he believes in his abilities and work on his own principles on the other side a man who compromises on his principles usually lacks confidence and is not capable enough to believe on his own abilities and is not able to make decisions on his own on the other side a man with integrity confidence is capable enough to even handle difficult of situation and can manage every problem very well as this phrase is mostly quoted in most of the texts
REBECCA NURSE a famous religious author also quoted as same that "It is nobler to die with integrity than to live with compromised principles that harm others" being a religious and follower of GOD she came on to the conclusion that in living with integrity is that what matters