The census tracks the population in the United States by county. Then the government issues the number of electoral votes proportionally based on the states' populations. States which gain people gain electoral votes, while states who lose people, lose electoral votes. The US issues a census survey every 10 years.
Alexander the Great followed the customs of the lands from the former Persian Empire. This gave great stability to his vast empire and got hi, into good graces with the local towns and people’s.
John VI nicknamed "the Clement", was King of the United Kingdom of Portugal, ... Forced to flee to South America across the Atlantic Ocean into Brazil when troops of the Emperor
The Importance of Being a Good Citizen. Good citizenship is important in any country, particularly in a democracy such as the United States. ... Americans must be responsible for their own lives. One way to do this is to obey the law.
The Potsdam Conference,
Leaders of the winning faction: Stalin, Churchill and Truman met in Potsdam towards the end of World War II to define the new order and a new global agenda.
The meeting turned into the famous photo where the tree man stands together despite their differences in ideology.
The world was to change since, the outline for carrying out the policies in Europea and the rest of the world would cast a "curtain wall".
A bipolar world emerged where communism and the capitalist world would collide.
The European landscape was quickly transformed into a series of blocs and alliances to carry out different visions of what they thought was the best model of politics and economics.