The stock market crashed in 1929 because investors had put too much capital into the stocks by borrowing large amounts of money that they did not truly have.
Okay President Hoover's deeply held philosophy of American individualism, which he maintained despite extraordinary economic circumstances, made him particularly unsuited to deal with the crisis of the Great Depression.
Explanation: He greatly resisted government intervention, considering it a path to the downfall of American greatness.
What effect might the election of 1824 have on national unity? It caused the nation to be divided politically, because they thought that votes were exchanged for position. This weakened the unity of the U.S.
Round headed figure. 3000 BC, Niger.
Giraffe engraving, Niger, Bradshaw foundation.
Nok head. Northern Nigeria. 500BC - AD500.
Jos museum, Nigeria. ( The terracotta clay slip has eroded away leaving a grainy pock-marked original surface)
Your answer would be D). Western Europe. During the 1600s and 1700s, people that were from Western Europe, mostly people from Great Britain, did not like the way the government worked, and they wanted to have more freedom. Because of that, they became colonists. Colonists are people that settle into a new land and form a colony, and that's what they did. They immigrated from Western Europe to the United States to have more freedom, because the government in Great Britain was very strict at that time. Also, there were a lot of pilgrims that wanted to freely practice their religion, but places in Western Europe didn't allow that, so they also immigrated to the United States so they could practice their religion without worrying about things stopping them. They immigrated to the United States, formed their own colony, and became independent from Great Britain.