Mexico has the greatest number of diversity of animals and plants. That's why its an megadiverse country.
mountains / mountain ranges.
Answer:The largest ocean in the world - the Pacific Ocean - is ten times bigger than the smallest one - the Arctic Ocean.
Hi there!
You will have already be known that the <em>sun's rays are closest to the equatorial regions</em> <em>than</em> the <em>polar regions</em>. So the stronger heat rays reach the equator first, heating it's water faster. Within the span of time when the rays reach the polar areas (poles), the sun rays become slanted, leading it into the ocean waters.
Also, the sharpness or intensity of the rays gets weakened, thereby heating the water of polar regions less.
Using this fact, we can say that the rays falling near the equator heats the water more than the rays heating the water at poles.
Hence, we can say that <u>D) </u><u>T</u><u>he sun heats earth and it ocean unevenly</u> will be your answer.
Thank you !
Why By Mimiwhatsup: Nathan Hale, an American spy - was caught in NY. Before he was sentenced to death his last famous words were: “I only regret I have but one life to lose for my country.”
Answer: C.Nathan Hale