Militia maybe. A militia is a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency. It is made up of a group of volunteers.
A King should do what ever is possible to unite his state
Machiavelli was all about doing whatever it took even if it was considered immoral.
Andrew Jackson influenced the creation of the Democratic Party and the growth of Democracy by:
A) Making the Democratic party a champion of the "common man"- Jackson himself was known as the "Champion of the common man" due to his humble upbringings and rise to national prominence. Jackson was an advocate of small farmers and giving them the ability to participate in politics. This is what lead to the growth of democracy.
B) Eliminating of property requirements in order to vote- Andrew Jackson helped to get rid of laws that limited voting to white males who owned a certain amount of property. This helped to grow American democracy because it allowed more people to vote. This would help him to win re-election.
I believe it was the Soviet Union
Ever since the first nuke was dropped on Hiroshima, Stalin felt jealous. Thus a contest went on to see who'd put nukes closer to each others country, who could build the most, and who could build the most powerful. The Cuban Missile Crisis showed how close we were to world destruction.