The romans had statues of important Idols or gods when it comes to sciences it would be with medicines and surgeons such as galen who started rhe fundamentals of anatomy of humans. And with laws the romans had ranks such as assembly's, Senate's and consuls. hope this helps
"Like other settled, agrarian societies in history, those in the Indian subcontinent have been attacked by nomadic tribes throughout its long history. In evaluating the impact of Islam on the sub-continent, one must note that the northwestern sub-continent was a frequent target of tribes raiding from Central Asia. In that sense, the Muslim intrusions and later Muslim invasions were not dissimilar to those of the earlier invasions during the 1st millennium."
<span>Richard M. Frye, "Pre-Islamic and Early Islamic Cultures in Central Asia", in </span>Turko-Persia in Historical Perspective<span>, ed. Robert L. Canfield (Cambridge U. Press c. 1991), 35–53.</span>"
So, MUSLIMS is the answer, does it have this option?
In the movie, religion is depicted as something silly and like it’s all some big fable. In the movie people’s perception of religion is based off of what they have went through so it made them believe that go is not real. They choose to blame things on god, then they switched religions when they thought that god would not have done such a thing. Most to atheism. They thought god was not real due to the fact that he had made things go wrong in their life.
While there can't be a definite answer, there is an explanation. America is generally a diverse place, as it is the country of immigrants. This brings in a mixture of culture.
Certain cultures may have hate for others, which can generate the hate you see. Another possibility is the idea of the silent majority. The amount of people who spread hate may be in the minority, but their voice is so loud they may appear to be the majority. =)
It absolutely was a replacement precedent for the United State
The pro imperialist Republican triumph in 1900 was necessary primarily as a result of it absolutely was a replacement precedent for the United State Before United State had not been attached by the different countries. It import that the United State was growing in its ambition.
and TR role in being a robust advocate of yank power in affairs would play a task within the strained relationship with different nations and would eventually cause warfare