Sorry I need the point lol
West Egg is a little bit poorer than East Egg
Tobacco can be used in several ways according to its presentation: inhaled (cigarette, cigar, straw cigarette); snuff; chewed (coil smoke), but in all its forms it is harmful to health. The toxic substances act on the most diverse systems and organs, contain more than 60 carcinogens.
Smoking causes about 50 different diseases, mainly cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, heart attack, angina, and stroke. It is responsible for many deaths from lung, mouth, larynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney and bladder cancer and obstructive respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema. Tobacco lowers the body's defenses and thus the smoker tends to increase the incidence of acquiring diseases such as influenza and tuberculosis. Tobacco also causes sexual impotence.
True. end notes are placed at the end of an essay on a separate page
In the context of an adjective used to describe pain, we can look at the answer choices:
Silent pain seems like an odd choice for someone to notify a doctor about, so that is probably not the answer.
Thoughtful does not describe pain.
Responsive does not describe pain.
Severe pain would be a reason for someone to notify a doctor, so this is likely the correct answer choice.