<h2>The Gates</h2>
The gates were a group of art work by French Artist Jeanne-Claude and Bulgarian artist Chrito Yavcheff.
It comprised of 7,503 vinyl gates installed alog 23 miles of pathways in a park in New York city. A deep saffron colored nyloon cloth hung from each gate. The exhibit continued from 12 Feb, 2005 till 27 Feb, 2005.
The artwork met with mixed reactions, some people loved it for bringing people in central traffic at late night, while others hated it and called the rtwork as a defacement to the landscape.
The answer would be A as a hyperbole exaggerates a statement, it's not meant to be taken literally.
When influencing the audience’s emotion through the medium of performance, a production company should know their audience’s general demographic. This includes their age, interests, hobbies, and income level.
Answer: Aprons and jeans or all black
Explanation: This is what I think you were asking, I hope it helps. I have seen many people in all black or in aprons and jeans.