The conqueror comes in "Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers" with the purpose of obtaining fame and wealth, and with a heart filled with ambition. The Pilgrims, however, come with a true heart filled with faith, with the purpose of worshiping God in this new land.
<h3>The conqueror and the Pilgrims</h3>
In the poem "Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers," by Felicia Dorothea Hemans, the speaker contrasts the way the conqueror comes to the New World with the way the Pilgrims do the same. To contrast two things, their differences must be pointed out.
The conqueror is usually a violent character. He comes from Europe with the purpose of taking, of colonizing. Therefore, he is ambitious, and his objective is to obtain fame and wealth.
On the other hand, the Pilgrims are "true-hearted," and ambition is far from their intentions. They search for a new place to worship God, to establish their faith.
Learn more about the Pilgrims here:
Use; Have you ever tried to get rid of a bad habit?
Man: Okay parents listen up! Wrap a bunch of empty boxes and put them under your tree. When your kids are acting bad throw one of them in the fire!
Mom: But what do I do when I run out of kids...