For this table, the reference currency is the Euro.
- The reference currency means that the euro is the base unit, the table shows how much is one euro worth in the different currencies. This can be observed on the first row of the second column where it says (euro= 1)
The exchange rate of the euro to the US dollar and most other currencies is determined by supply and demand.
- Most countries have a flexible exchange rate. This means that the government does not have a fixed exchange rate. With a fixed exchange rate the government compromises to give a given amount of money in exchange for one unit of a specific currency. Whenever, there is a flexible exchange rate, the price of another currency is determined by the incoming and outgoing capital.
According to the chart, one euro would buy 1.2149 Swiss francs.
- This can be found in the fourth row and second column of the chart.
- 1 euro = 1.2149 Swiss francs
It would cost 1.28 US dollars to buy one euro.
- 1 euro = 1.28 US dollars
- This can be found in the last row and second column of the chart.
Answer:KID ANTRIM DID NOT ride across New Mexico Territory by himself. On October 2, 1877, he was spotted with a gang of rustlers on the old Butterfield Overland Mail route in southwestern New Mexico’s Cooke’s Canyon. Once again he had made a bad choice of associates—although as a fugitive himself, he had few options. The leader of the outlaw band, which liked to call itself “The Boys,” was Jesse Evans. Evans was approximately six years older than the Kid, and he stood five feet six inches tall, weighed around 140 pounds, and had gray eyes and light hair. Pat Garrett wrote that of the two, the Kid was slightly taller and a little heavier. Evans’s early history is as hard to pin down as Henry McCarty’s. At different times, he claimed both Missouri and Texas as his birthplace. He may have been the Jesse Evans who was arrested with his parents in Kansas in 1871, for passing counterfeit money. Tried before the U.S. District Court in Topeka, this Jesse was convicted and fined $500. Because he was so young, he received no jail time and was “most kindly admonished by the court.”
Rocks expand and contract when they are heated and cooled which cause them to break.
The importance is that for the first time in history, a national constitution explicitly stated that it had been drafted not by a monarch or a group of barons but by representatives of ordinary citizens. It expressed the fact that such government had been instituted by the democratic will of the people and not by the “divine right” of a monarch or ruler.
It is definitely a collective term; it puts forward the right of self-government of the national community. It does not express the ruling will of an individual person but the collective will of an entire nation.