Innovations in farming techniques that led to great productivity.
1.- <em>Three Point Linkage</em>. Developed by Harry Ferguson, this invention raised or lowered the plough, depending on the depth farmers wanted to dig.
2.- <em>Genetical Modified Corps</em>. Scientist isolate genes with some desirable traits to improve the quality of the plant.
3.- <em>Fertiliser Deep Placement.</em> A new form of fertiliser that increased the Yields.
4.- <em>New Feeding Methods</em>. Blending different components of food to improve the quality of nutrition.
invashions and food famen
It would be the "a. Social Security Administration" that was begun during the New Deal and still exists today, since many people rely on this in order to retire later in life.
The main idea is about farmers and how farming communities work on their own land.
neither I'm not old enough to vote yet..... this is out of my hands for now.