I believe an Initiative is C. A vote on a legislative measure.
Sever loss of infrastructure, loss of factories to produce goods and debts caused by the wars led to a huge downturn in rebuilding efforts after World War 1.
Representatives of the clergy and members of the nobility would be the people who would be part of the Common Council, while peasants and ordinary people would be left out.
The Common Council was the body created, through the magma letter, to limit the action of the king and act as a type of parliament capable of managing and administering the country in several categories. This council was formed by members of the clergy, such as archbishops, bishops, abbots, counts and great barons of the kingdom; and, by members of royalty. However, ordinary citizens like peasants were left out, which means that they had no kind of representation that could be positive towards them.
According to John higginson C.