<em>Answer 2) </em><em>El periódico de ayer mencionó: La Asociación de Médicos insistió en que todos los residentes </em><u><em>se pusieran</em></u><em> la vacuna contra la gripe. </em>
Translation 2: Yesterday's newspaper mentioned: The Medical Association insisted that all residents get a flu shot.
<em>Answer 3)</em><em> Una entrevista con un nutricionista dice: No hay nadie que </em><u><em>haga</em></u><em> sopas más saludables que mi mamá. De ella aprendí lo básico de mi carrera. </em>
Translation 3: An interview with a nutritionist says: There is no one who makes healthier soups than my mom. From her I learned the basics of my career.
<em>Answer 4) </em><em>La locutora de la radio dice: Esperamos que ustedes </em><u><em>se cuiden</em></u><em> para no enfermarse este invierno. </em>
Translation 4: The radio speaker says: We hope you take care of yourselves for not to get sick this winter.
<em>Answer 5)</em><em> En las noticias internacionales dijeron: No había nadie que </em><u><em>hubiera</em></u><em> sobrevivido el huracán en el pueblo de Cuba. </em>
Translation 5: In the international news they said: There was no one who had survived the hurricane in the town of Cuba.
<em>Answer 6) </em><em>Un político en las noticias dijo: Yo pediría que todos nosotros </em><u><em>mejoremos</em></u><em> nuestros hábitos de conservación. </em>
Translation 6: A politician on the news said: I would ask that all of us improve our conservation habits.
<span>¿Sabes manejar? means "Do you know how to drive?"
No, pero se andar [blank] translates to "No, but I know how to go about [blank]."
The options are:
A. la autopista - "the freeway"
B. en bicicleta - "cycling"
C. seguir recto - "go straight"
D. el tren - "the train"
Options A, C, and D don't make sense (A because the question concerns the means of travel - not the route; C because "go straight" doesn't work grammatically or contextually here; D because the "the train" doesn't make sense grammatically as part of the answer - it would need to be "by train" to work). That leaves option B - en bicicleta.
No, pero se andar en bicicleta.
Last Saturday, my friends and I went hiking. hope this helps
Hishenshina , what is your name, say di da, do da, es y uno mucho sieta five, yes? Ab this as you know and that calls you and you? This is good, and eight.
Here's your translation that you needed.