Never, anywhere, have I seen so great a likeness in man or woman-but it is truly strange! This boy must be the son of Odysseus,
Telemachus, the child he left at home. How do these lines from book 4 expose the MAIN conflict in the realtionship between Telemachus and Odessyus?
A.while Telemachus had received wise counsel from athena, he continues to harbor self-doubts due his father's abandonment of him.
B.Rather than rest on the laurels spoken by menelaus, Telemachus instead feels oddly jealous of his fathers greatness.
C. In spite of the helpful comparison wit his fathers likeness, Telemachus is not confident that he had inherited equally of his fathers physical traits.
D. Telemachus regards his fathers heroic legacy with many fears, including that the possibility that the comparison will favor his father.
C) In spite of the helpful comparison with his father’s likeness, Telemachus is not confident that he has inherited equally of his father’s physical traits.