the layer of the earth's atmosphere that contains a high concentration of ions and free electrons and is able to reflect radio waves. It lies above the mesosphere and extends from about 50 to 600 miles above the earth's surface.
When directed mutagenesis which is also called reverse genetics is used, only a single mutation per genome is introduced. In contrast, the number of mutations per genome introduced by random mutagenesis is usually difficult to control. It is likely that the strain you obtained with a mutation in gene X after random mutagenesis contained an additional mutation or perhaps multiple mutations which ultimately was/were responsible for loss of virulence in your favorite pathogen.
A) plants release oxygen and absorb CO2
One of water's important properties is that it is composed of polar molecules: the hydrogen and oxygen within water molecules (H2O) form polar covalent bonds.
NEAR remained in this orbit for 10 days and then was backed out in stages to a 100 km circular orbit by September 5, 2000. Maneuvers in mid-October led to a flyby of Eros within 5.3 km of the surface at 07:00 UT on October 26.
Launch date: February 17, 1996 20:43:27 UTC; ...
Closest approach: June 27, 1997 12:56 UTC; .