<span>d. totalitarianism.\
The noble eightfold path consists of 8 practices: right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi
Not sure if that helps at all.
The Netherlands.
The Netherlands is located in Europe and was the first modern country with over one-half of its population living in cities and towns. The Netherlands known as the Republic of Dutch is among the countries not governed by a Monarch in the 17th century.
The Netherlands became England's biggest competitor in maritime in the mid-seventeenth century. Urbanization in the Netherlands transformed the country's economy as a result of great trade, religious tolerance, agriculture and textile.
By requesting international assistance to address human rights breaches, the Congolese people started to respond to Belgian torture.
In the Congo Free state, where he held sway from 1885 until 1908, King Leopold II of Belgium forced the locals to work hard labor and exploited their resources, particularly their rubber. At the time, rubber was an economically viable product, and the natives of the Congo who were forced to labor on the plantations were given quotas or targets that they had to meet. In the photographs, you can see that their bodily parts were cut apart because they didn't reach these goals.
An international call for aid resulted from these actions. The British government gave Roger Casement, a consul, the task of looking into Congo's violations of human rights. King Leopold II of Belgium was deposed on November 15, 1908, as a result of his eyewitness report.
In conclusion, the people of the Congo demanded international assistance to address human rights violations in response to the torture inflicted upon them under Belgian authority.
To know more about Congolese torture under Belgium rule visit: