go to this websight it will explain a lot
If we start to travel from the Mississippi River westwards to the Pacific Coast, than the starting point is a lowland, vast one, as we continue to go towards the west we will encounter high mountains, the Rocky Mountains more specifically, and the elevation will go up to 4,400 meters above sea level, than we will go down, elevation wise, to the high plateaus and will be on elevations between 1,000 and 2,000 meters, and after we go up again to almost 4,400 meters as we cross the Cascade Mountains. After the Cascades we go gradually downwards towards the lowlands, where we will first go a bit bellow sea level, and than little up in the lowlands along the Pacific Coast, and at the end reach a point of zero elevation.
1. British raj is established
2.indian national Congress is created
3.ghandi is back to India
4.salt March
The main benefit of slavery to governments in the colonies is that it provided a system of almost entirely free labor, since the slaves were not compensated for their work, which took place primarily in fields. <span />